Silver Dollar Characin - Origins
Silver Dollar
The Silver Dollar Characin originates from South America in the Amazon and Orinoco River basins. It is related to the pacu and the piranha, but is not an aggressive flesh eater. The Silver Dollar Characin is known by a variety of scientific names including Metynnis argenteus, Metynnis hypsauchen, Metynnis lippincottianus, Myleus rubripinnis and Mylossoma aureum. The most commonly sold Silver Dollar is Metynnis argenteus. Silver Dollars have a flat width and a round outline resembling a silver dollar. The body is silver, but develops spots below the surface. Anal fins on the male can be tipped in red.
Silver Dollar Characin - Aquarium Setup
Given their size and a need for a school of 4 or more, an aquarium of over 30 gallons with open swimming space is best. Lighting should be subdued. The Silver Dollar Characin can accept variations in water quality. Silver dollars are generally plant eaters. They will eat flake foods, floating pellets, live soft plants and small live fish (like guppies). When they are large in size, they can hold their own with New World Cichlids.
Silver Dollar Characin - Compatibility
The Silver Dollar Characin is compatible with Angelfish, Arawana, Bala Sharks, Clown Loaches, Gouramis, Mollies, Pacus, Rainbows, Swordtails and New World Cichlids
Silver Dollar Characin - Breeding
Breeding is difficult. A large, shallow tank should be used and results may be better if schools are bred. Hundreds of eggs can be released. The parents should be removed after spawning. The fry hatch in a couple of days and are free swimming in a week.
Silver Dollar Characin - Profile
Scientific Name: Metynnis argenteus
Family: Characin
Temperature: 24 - 28 C; 75 - 83 F
pH: 6.0 - 7.2
Size: 14 cm; 5.5 inches
Life Span: 10 years
Breeding: Difficult, Egg Layer