Glass Fish - Origins
The Glass Fish originated from brackish waters in India and Thailand. Glass Fish are also known as Indian Glassy Fish, Glass Perch, Disco Fish and the Painted Glass Fish. It is known by the scientific names Parambassis ranga and Parambassis baculis. The Glass Fish has a translucent clear glass appearance and its internal bone structure is clearly visible. The body shape is similar to that of a Blackskirt Tetra. Both of these species are unfortunately subjected to flourescent injected dyes, as discussed below.
Glass Fish - Injected Dyes
The Glass Fish is frequently injected with various fluorescent dyes using a large gauge needle. In fact, "unpainted" varieties are rarely available. The injections kill a large portion of the fish that are initially injected. Others develop infections while the dye is lodged in their cells. The small percentage of fish that survive will lose most of their coloration within 6 months. The practice of painting these fish has nearly eliminated the availability of the unpainted variety in the pet industry.
Help Stop Injected Dyes
Help stop injected dyes in tropical fish by supporting Death by Dyeing. For more information on other dyed tropical fish, link to the Blackskirt Tetra. You will also find that the Blood Parrot is sometimes dyed.
For a natural version of a glass fish, try a Glass Bloodfin (Prionobrama filigera). This tetra has a glassy body with a red tail fin.
Glass Fish - Aquarium Setup
The Glass Fish should be kept in groups of 4 or more in large aquariums with heavy vegetation and rocks. They are active and also require open swimming space. The Glass Fish can be fed flake foods, but prefers live foods. It will eat brine shrimp, wingless fruit flies, bloodworms, glass worms and tubifex worms. The Glass Fish is difficult to breed. Eggs are laid in nests that it builds or among plants. Several hundred eggs can be laid and the young are guarded.
Glass Fish - Compatibility
The Glass Fish is compatible with the Angelfish, Corydoras, Guppies, Harlequin Rasboras, Small Tetras, White Clouds
Glass Fish - Profile
Scientific Name: Parambassis ranga
Family: Perch
Temperature: 18 - 26 C; 68 - 79 F
pH: 7.0 - 8.0
Size: 6 cm; 2.5 inches
Life Span: years
Breeding: Difficult, Egg Layer