Blue Gourami vs Three Spot
Blue - 3 Spot Gourami
Three Spot Gouramis originated from the Southeast Asia area and are also known as Blue Gouramis, Opaline Gouramis and Gold Gouramis, depending on their color. Three Spot Gouramis have a long oval shaped body with a pale blue/white coloring and long thread-like pelvic fins. There are two large dark spots - one in the center of the flank and the other at the base of the tail fin. The eyes are set well forward and give the appearance of a third dark spot, explaining the name Three Spot Gourami. The Opaline or Crosby variety has marbled blue patterns with no spots. The Gold Gourami is a solid gold color with no spots. So, what's the right name to use for the Blue gourami? It's hard to know which name to use for the Blue Spot Gourami vs Three Spot Gourami.
Gold Gourami
Blue Gourami - Compatibility:
Blue or 3 Sport Gouramis are compatible with Bala Sharks, Barbs, Clown Loaches, Corydoras, Danios, Gouramis, Hatchetfish, Kuhli Loaches, Plecos, Rainbowfish, Rainbow Shark, Red Tailed Shark.
Not compatible with Cichlids. Livebearers may be compatible. Some barbs and tetras may nip the Gourami's long pelvic fins.
Comments by Sharon: The male Blue Gourami will be highly territorial, so it's best to keep only one. He should do well with your other fish, but if you want to add more Blue Gouramis,(assuming your tank is big enough) make sure they're female...
Comments by Henry: My Blue Gourami harassed my Dwarf Gourami terribly. The tank is only 12 gallons, so I don't know if that is the reason.
Blue Gourami
Blue Gourami - Aquarium Setup
Similar to the Betta and other anabantids, the Three Spot Gourami is a labyrinth fish, which means it can breathe air directly and will frequent the top of the tank. Three Spot Gouarmis are a fairly aggressive gourami and will bother smaller fish, so they aren't a good beginner fish. The tank should be over 50 gallons and well planted. They prefer thick vegetation and slow moving water. They will eat live plants. In order to reduce aggression, Three Spot Gouramis should be kept in groups of 3 - 5 with more females than males. They will eat flake food, algae flakes, tubifex, and they will benefit from occasional live brine shrimp.
Blue Gourami - Breeding
Males can be distinguished by their larger dorsal fin and yellow/orange in their anal fin. The males underlying color will become enhanced when ready to breed and they become extremely territorial. The females lower body becomes enlarged with eggs. When they are ready to spawn, the male builds a bubblenest and then dances and wraps around the female. The male ensures the rising eggs reach the bubblenest. The spawning process can be repeated several times over a number of hours and thousands of eggs can be fertilized. The female should be removed after spawning. The male will guard the nest and young fry. The fry hatch in a couple of days. The fry should be fed infusoria and then brine shrimp.
Blue Gourami - Profile
Scientific Name: Trichogaster trichopterus
Family: Anabantid
Temperature: 22 - 28 C; 72 - 82 F
pH: 6.0 - 8.0
Size: 13 cm; 5 inches
Life Span: 4 - 8 years
Breeding: Normal, Bubble Nest